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How to play Go fish game with children

“Kitten Fishing” is a simple and fun poker game, also often called “fishing”. In English, the game is called “Go Fish”. This is a classic game suitable for children to play, and is very popular.When my girls were young, I used to play poker together. When I am free, my little daughter will say hey, mom, let’s play for a little cat fishing. Here’s the basic rules of the game, if you want to have a happy time with your children, you may try this.

Go Fish (Cat fishing)

Number of players: 2-6 players

Number of cards: a standard deck of playing cards, remove the size king



When playing with 2-3 players, each player issues 7 cards.

4-6 players.

The rest of the cards sit face down in the center of the table as a stack.

game start:

Start with the player to the left of the dealer and take turns.

Inquiry card:

When a player’s turn, the player can ask any other player if he has a card (say, ” Do you have any threes?”)。

If the asked player has this card, you must give all the cards to the inquiring player, and the inquiring player continues to ask the other players.

If the asked player does not have this card, say “Go fish” and the asked player draws a card from the deck.

Paired and scored:

Players score by collecting four cards with the same number, placing the paired cards face up in front of them.

The game continues until the cards in the deck are drawn or all pairs are completed.

Victory conditions:

At the end of the game, the most paired player wins.

“Go Fish” is an easy to learn game for players of different ages, perfect for family gatherings and children’s entertainment.


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